After being sworn in last week, new 6th District County Councilman Ernie Trakas, R-Oakville, promises that south county residents no longer have to worry that they have no voice in Clayton.
“The disenfranchisement of the citizens of District 6 ended the day I was sworn in,” Trakas told the Call after taking office.
To engage residents, Trakas plans to hold quarterly town-hall meetings rotating through Oakville, Concord, Lemay and Affton, starting with a kickoff meeting in Lemay in March.
Former Councilman John Campisi, who was the last Republican to hold the seat and was defeated for re-election in 2008 by now-County Executive Steve Stenger, frequently held town-hall meetings. As a councilman, Stenger also conducted town-hall meetings, but not as frequently as Campisi.